Horizon Community Services

What is SIL? Exploring Supported Independent Living (SIL) and its Benefits

Our Promise - Horizon Community Services
Navigating the world of disability care can be overwhelming, but at Horizon Community Services, we’re here to help. According to recent data, approximately 4.4 million Australians live with a disability, accounting for 18.3% of the population. Among them, many individuals can benefit greatly from Supported Independent Living (SIL), a program designed to provide tailored support to meet their specific needs and aspirations. In this blog post, we’ll explore how it can empower individuals with special needs to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. Let’s begin by understanding SIL and its benefits.

What is SIL?

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a disability support program aimed at assisting individuals with special needs to live more independently within their communities. It focuses on enhancing their daily living skills, fostering social inclusion, and promoting personal development. SIL offers a wide range of services and support to participants, enabling them to make choices and have control over their lives.

How does SIL work?

SIL operates on the principle of person-centred planning, ensuring that support is tailored to each individual’s unique requirements. The program offers assistance with various aspects of daily living, including personal care, household tasks, managing finances, accessing the community, and more. The goal is to empower participants to develop skills and confidence in order to lead independent lives to the best of their abilities.

What is SIL assessment? How to check if you are eligible?

To access Supported Independent Living (SIL), individuals must undergo a comprehensive assessment conducted by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in Australia. This assessment plays a vital role in determining eligibility and understanding the level of support required for each individual. Here’s a closer look at the SIL assessment process and how you can check if you or a loved one are eligible:
      • Comprehensive Assessment: The SIL assessment is conducted by the NDIA to gain a holistic understanding of an individual’s needs, goals, and aspirations. A qualified assessor will evaluate various factors, such as personal care requirements, mobility, communication, and social participation, to determine the appropriate level of support.
      • Goals and Aspirations: During the assessment, individuals have the opportunity to express their specific goals and aspirations. This ensures that the support provided aligns with their personal aspirations, fostering a person-centred approach to care.
      • Eligibility Determination: Based on the assessment outcomes, the NDIA determines whether an individual meets the eligibility criteria for SIL. The decision takes into account the level of support required to live independently and participate in the community effectively.
    • Seeking Guidance: If you or a loved one are interested in accessing SIL, it is recommended to reach out to the NDIA or a reputable disability service provider. They can provide guidance, support, and information on the SIL assessment process. As a disability service provider, we have extensive experience in supporting individuals through this process, and we are here to assist you every step of the way.
Remember, the SIL assessment is designed to ensure that the support provided is tailored to your specific needs and goals. By reaching out to the NDIA or a disability service provider, you can receive the guidance necessary to navigate the assessment process and determine your eligibility for SIL.
Horizon Community Services

How does SIL funding work?

Once assessed as eligible for SIL, participants receive funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). This funding is allocated based on the level of support needed and can be used to access various disability services.

How Horizon Community Services can help you here?

At Horizon Community Services, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of SIL and disability support services. Our experienced team understands the unique challenges faced by individuals with special needs and works closely with participants, their families, and support networks to develop personalised plans that promote independence and goal achievement.

What services do we provide?

We offer a comprehensive range of tailored and flexible disability services, including personal care assistance, household management, community access support, skill development programs, social and recreational activities, and more. Our support workers are passionate about what they do and actively inspire and collaborate with participants, ensuring their journey towards independence is both fulfilling and empowering. Supported Independent Living (SIL) can be a transformative program for individuals with special needs, providing the necessary support to live independently and pursue their goals. If you or someone you know could benefit from SIL, reach out to Horizon Community Services today. Our dedicated team is ready to guide you through the process and help you access the support and care you need. Remember, at Horizon Community Services, we believe in inclusion, respect, empathy, integrity, and excellence. Join us on this journey towards a more independent and fulfilling life.

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