Horizon Community Services



Horizon Community Services: Elevating Lives through Exceptional Community Nursing Services.

Community nursing care is a vital aspect of healthcare that focuses on providing comprehensive medical support and services in non-hospital settings. It brings healthcare directly to individuals in their homes, schools, clinics, and community centres, ensuring accessibility and convenience. Community nurses play a crucial role in promoting health education, disease prevention, and primary care services for people of all ages and backgrounds.
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What Is Included In Community Nursing?

Community nursing services encompass a range of specialised care aimed at individuals with disabilities, promoting their health and well-being within their community environment. Here’s what’s included:

  • Personalised Care Plans: Tailored care plans addressing individual needs and preferences.
  • Health Monitoring: Regular monitoring of health indicators to ensure optimal well-being.
  • Medication Management: Assistance with medication administration and adherence.
  • Continence Management: Assistance with managing bladder and bowel continence.
  • Allied Health Services: Access to allied health professionals for comprehensive care.
  • 24/7 Support: Round-the-clock support for emergencies and urgent care needs. 
Sick Patient

Benefits Of Opting For Community Nursing.

Opting for Community nursing services offers a myriad of benefits, ensuring that individuals with disabilities receive comprehensive healthcare within the familiarity of their community. Here are the key advantages:

  • Community-Centric Approach: Services are delivered within the community, fostering a supportive environment that enhances the overall well-being of the individual.
  • Enhanced Independence: By bringing healthcare services to the community, individuals can maintain a greater degree of independence and autonomy in their daily lives.
  • Holistic Well-being: Community nursing care NDIS addresses not only medical needs but also considers the individual’s social and emotional well-being, promoting a holistic approach to health.
  • Improved Quality of Life: The focus on community nursing services aims to improve the overall quality of life for individuals with disabilities, ensuring they can lead fulfilling and engaged lives.
  • Holistic Support: Access to a range of allied health services and support networks, addressing not just medical needs but also social and emotional aspects of care. 
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Signs That Show You Need Community Nursing.

  • Difficulty in Mobility: Limited mobility hinders access to conventional healthcare facilities.
  • Medication Management Challenges: Struggles with medication adherence or complex medication schedules.
  • Need for Allied Health Services: Requirement for access to various allied health professionals for comprehensive care.
  • Emergency Response Needs: Presence of health conditions requiring prompt and specialised emergency response.
  • Desire for Community-Centric Care: Preference for receiving healthcare services within a supportive community environment. 

Why Choose Us?

  • Holistic Community Approach: Horizon prioritises a holistic approach, integrating healthcare seamlessly into the community fabric for a comprehensive and personalised care experience.
  • Client-Centric Care Plans: We excel in developing individualised care plans, addressing the unique needs and preferences of each client receiving community nursing services under NDIS.
  • Professional Expertise: We have a team of highly skilled and compassionate healthcare professionals, who ensure the delivery of top-notch community nursing care with expertise in diverse medical conditions.
  • Emphasis on Independence: Horizon Community Services actively promotes the independence of individuals by providing community nursing care that empowers clients to lead fulfilling lives within their local community.
  • Flexible and Responsive Services: We exhibit flexibility and responsiveness in adapting to the changing needs of clients, ensuring that community nursing care remains tailored and effective over time. 

Horizon Community Services:

Experience the difference with Horizon Community Services today! Our comprehensive and compassionate community nursing services are tailored to meet your unique needs. Contact us now to discover how we can support you on your journey to better health and well-being within your community.


Welcome to Horizon Community Services, your trusted provider of accessible community nursing care in Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Darwin. Our dedicated team of highly skilled nurses is committed to delivering quality healthcare services in these locations. With a focus on compassion, expertise, and personalised care, we aim to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities alike.

How We Can Help

At Horizon Community Services, we understand the importance of accessible and reliable community nursing care. Our team of dedicated nurses is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and experience to deliver exceptional care in various community settings. We are committed to providing personalised, patient-centred care that focuses on individual needs, ensuring a comfortable and healing experience.


Our Nursing Services

Our experienced nurses are skilled in various areas, including:

  • Wound care: We provide specialised wound care, including assessment, dressing changes, and ongoing management for acute and chronic wounds.
  • Continence services: Our team offers support and management for individuals with continence issues, including assessment, advice on containment products, and personalised care plans.
  • Post-surgical care: We provide post-surgical care, ensuring proper wound healing, medication management, and monitoring of recovery progress.
  • Medication management: Our nurses assist with medication administration, monitoring of drug interactions, and education on proper medication usage.
  • Central line management: We have expertise in the management and care of central lines, ensuring their proper functioning and minimising the risk of infections.
  • Gastrostomy/tracheostomy/nasogastric tube management: Our team is experienced in the care and management of feeding tubes, tracheostomies, and nasogastric tubes, providing necessary support and education to individuals and their caregivers.
  • Home parenteral nutrition support: We offer specialised care for individuals requiring parenteral nutrition support at home, including assessment, administration, and monitoring.
  • Stoma care: Our nurses provide comprehensive stoma care, including assessment, maintenance of stoma appliances, and education on self-care.

These are just some of the services we provide to ensure that individuals receive high-quality, personalized care in the comfort of their own homes.

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and how our community nursing services can support you or your loved one’s health and well-being. 

Who is Eligible for Community Nursing Care?

Community nursing care is available to individuals of all ages in Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Darwin, who require healthcare services in non-hospital settings. Whether you need assistance with chronic disease management, wound care, or post-operative support, our community nursing services are designed to meet your needs. Eligibility is not limited by age and is determined based on the specific healthcare requirements of the individual.

Frequently Asked Questions About Community Nursing

To help further your understanding about community care nursing, we’ve answered some of the most common questions. If you have any other related enquiries, feel free to touch base with us and we’ll endeavour to provide you with the response you’re after.
Community health nursing is important because it plays a significant role in promoting public health. Community nurses can provide direct care to community members and educate them about managing chronic conditions and making healthy choices.
To identify the health needs of various communities and develop interventions that promote well-being, community nurses work collaboratively with community leaders, organisations, and other healthcare professionals. Each has a specific role in assessing and providing for the clinical needs of community members.
In community health nursing, the main goal is to provide for the entire community and not an individual. Most often, the recipients of care and support are from vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, and individuals living with disability. Community nursing also aims to promote self-care among families and community members.
Yes. Community nursing care is available to eligible NDIS participants whose NDIS plans includes capacity building for community nursing services. At HCS, our highly trained, highly skilled, culturally sensitive, and friendly care providers and nurses can render community nursing care under the NDIS program.

We are here to help you

At Horizon Community Services, we are dedicated to enhancing your understanding of community care nursing. We have addressed some of the frequently asked questions to provide you with valuable insights.

If you have any other inquiries related to community nursing care, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are committed to delivering the information you seek and supporting your healthcare needs.